Food for Thought: Tips on Finding a Great Catering Service

Catering Service
Food Catering

Hire caterers in Long Island, NY to help with the food preparation and serving for the success of your event. Read on to find out what makes for a professional catering service.

The key to any great event is a well-implemented program and great food. Planning the menu is an important aspect of the planning, as the attendees may well be talking about the food even after the event. Whether it is a grand wedding, a casual company outing, or a block party, the food can define the event.

This is where caterers in the Long Island, NY area can be of great help. Professional event caterers can help you deal with your function by taking over the preparation and serving of the food. As such, it is important to find a reliable catering service, as you are entrusting nearly half of your event to them. Here are a few suggestions to help you out in the selection process:

Set a Budget

In many events, the largest expense usually goes to the catering or the food bill. Before going out and looking for a caterer, you have to set a budget. Estimate how many guests will come to your occasion and how much are you willing to spend for food for each guest. This can then allow you to estimate a budget.

Talk with caterers to find out their rates. Check which types of cuisine and food service style are more within your budget. If the catering service you are talking to are of any help, they can work around your budget instead of letting you adjust to their prices.

Sample their Food

All catering companies should offer a free consultation for potential customers to go over the specifics of the menu and the service. This is also an opportunity to get a feel of the company and the way they connect to people.

Ask for a food tasting, as you have to know the quality of food they serve before investing on them. This also gives you a glimpse of their culinary skills and the way they work in and out of the kitchen. They typically would offer a sampling of 3-4 options. If they are capable enough, they may even provide the food tasting free.

Ask for References

It is normal to be skeptical when a caterer tells you that they always provide excellent food and service. After all, you do not really have an idea on how well they would do on the event itself. For this reason, ask for references, preferably their recent customers. Get the feedback of their previous clients and comments posted online to check if they really are a great investment.

Check for Bonus Services

Before finalizing the deal, check for a few minor details. The final tally of attendees should also include the people in the event management: the DJ or the band, the photographer, and the event planner. Ask the caterer to prepare a leftover basket, or the sampling of all the food served during the event. This is because it is unlikely that the host and the staff will be able to eat during the event.

Regardless of the event, make sure to get the best service for all your event needs. For catering services in the New York area, you can contact professional caterers like The Culinary Studio.

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